An absolutely delicious treat as an appetizer or main dish. You’ll want to make this often.
- Pizzelle crust, 1/4 recipe
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 medium onions, thinly sliced
- Salt & Pepper
- 2 tomatoes, thinly sliced
- 8 ounces feta cheese, crumbled
Sun-dried tomatoes will add even more flavor and can be substituted for fresh.
Dutch Oven
Prepare 1/4 pizzelle crust recipe. Heat a 12-inch Dutch oven over 9 hot coals. Stretch and spread 1/4 crust dough on a 10- inch cake pan and brush it with 1 tablespoon olive oil.
In the hot Dutch oven, saute onions in 1 tablespoon olive oil until browned and caramelized, about 20 minutes. Salt and pepper, as desired. Pour off any liquid from the onions and arrange evenly on the crust.
Top with tomatoes and goat cheese. Place cake pan on 3 canning jar rings or Dutch oven rack inside the Dutch oven. Cover with Dutch oven lid and place 15 hot coals on top. Bake, covered, until crust is cooked and cheese is melted, about 1 hour. Let it rest, covered, 10 minutes before serving. Serves 4.
At Home
Prepare 1/4 pizzelle crust recipe. Stretch and spread it on a 10- inch cake pan and brush it with 1 tablespoon olive oil. In a large skillet in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, sauté the onions until browned and caramelized, about 20 minutes. Pour off any liquid from the onions and arrange evenly on the dough. Salt and pepper, as desired. Top with tomatoes and goat cheese. Bake at 375oF. For 30 minutes. Let it rest 10 minutes before serving. Serves 4.