Angel Gift Bag

2023-12-12T22:26:02+00:00December 12th, 2023|Christmas, Holiday Fun|

This angel is easy enough for little cherubs to make! Pink lightweight posterboard 1/4" wiggly eyes Permanent marker (red) Acrylic paint (pink) Sponge 1 white (or colored) paper bag 1 (6"-8") round paper doily White or multicolored curling paper ribbon (hair) 1/2yard (1/2" wide) ribbonSmall bell [...]


2023-12-12T21:58:19+00:00December 11th, 2023|Christmas, Holiday Fun|

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, although it has never been seriously claimed that December 25 was his true birthday. Before the fourth century, it was celebrated in April or May, which more closely matches the scriptural account. As Christian festivals were substituted for [...]


2023-12-12T21:37:59+00:00December 11th, 2023|Christmas, Holiday Fun|

Hanukkah (or Chanukah) is a Jewish festival, beginning on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev, the third month of the Jewish lunar calendar, usually in December. Hanukkah marks the reconsecration of the Temple in Jerusalem after its recapture from the Syrian Greeks around 165 B.C. A [...]


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