Tent Care

When you have chosen the type of shelter best for you and spent your hard-earned cash for it, you will expect it to serve you well. Remember—if you treat it well, it will reciprocate.

Keep Your Tent Dry

Be aware that nylon mildews if it remains wet. While you are breaking camp, let the sun dry your tent thoroughly. If you can’t take the time, roll it up and stow it, but unfold it and dry it out at home. Then store it in a dry place. Stow your tent in its carrying case off of the floor so that it is not exposed to condensation or moisture.

Protect Your Tent From Punctures

We have mentioned that before you pitch your tent, you should remove rocks and twigs from the area where you will set it up. This protects your investment from puncture damage. Be wary of pitching the tent under a tree because falling branches can damage it as well. After the tent is pitched, keep rocks and sharp objects away from it. Punctures will turn into rips, and soon you will need a new tent. When you pack your tent, place the stakes and poles in separate stuff sacks to avoid damage to the tent.

Keep Your Tent Clean

To prolong the use of your tent, get into the habit of keeping the inside and outside clean. A ground cloth made of either coated nylon or plastic that is 6 millimeters or thicker will keep grime and dirt off the bottom of the tent. A nylon whisk broom can keep the twigs and dirt brushed out. You’ll find it worth the extra time it takes to keep the floor of your shelter clean.