The Warmth of Thai People and Culture

For the months of April and May Thailand experienced some internal strife. But it is over and the country is back to welcoming guests from all over the world. If you have not been to Thailand, it is a place filled with adventure. It has a personality, which is varied and amazing. Over 70 million people live in this country, which is called, the “Land of Smiles and Beauty.”

The Thai people are very warm and welcoming. I met this young man at the night market. You could not help from catching his enthusiasm for life. When you meet someone in this country you do not put your hand out to shake it instead you put your two hands together in front of your face and bow and say, “Sawatie caw.” This is the greeting and takes the place of shaking someone’s hand.

When you thank someone you put your hands together and say “cob coon caw”.


This young man beamed with enthusiasm as he helped his customers at the night market.

Thailand’s Stunning Beaches and Natural Beauty

With beaches up both sides of this long country you will find some of the best in the world. The great joy is that the water is very warm. This is one of the main reasons people come to Thailand to experience it: great water, diving, and white sand.


Beaches are abundant in Thailand

If you are looking for beauty you will find plenty of it here. I have never seen so many beautiful flowering trees. These orange blossoms were in abundance every where we went.


Beautiful water fountain in the park

Buddhism and Spirituality in Thailand

Buddhism is the main religion.


There are over 60,000 temples in Thailand


This is near where the monks live and every morning people come to give the food. This little family of two boys came with their parent to celebrate their father’s 40th birthday.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Thailand

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is in Thailand and growing. Here are a few of the landmark dates for the church.

2 Feb. 1968

President Keith E. Garner of the Southern Far East Mission leads the first six missionaries (shown above) to serve in Thailand. Top row: Craig G. Christensen, Larry R. White, Peter W. Basker; bottom row: Alan H. Hessw Robert W. Winegar, L. Carl Hansen.

30 Nov. 1968

Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Quorum of the Twelve visits the king of Thailand.

Nov. 1969

Thailand becomes part of the Southeast Asian Mission.

28 June 1973

Thailand Bangkok Mission created.

Aug. 1974

First chapel dedicated in Bangkok.

Dec. 1974

Thailand has 300 members and 50 full time missionaries serving in nine branches.


Book of Mormon published in the Thai language. 170 missionaries serve in more than twenty branches. (A quota on North American missionaries has reduced the number to 100 at present.)

18 June 1995

Bangkok Thailand Stake organized–the first stake in Thailand.


Membership of the Church in Thailand reaches 15,874.

Thai Massage and Wellness


Thai massage will help one relax and build their flexibility.

Floating Markets: A Unique Thai Experience

There are many different kinds but you will find this a relaxing experience all over the country. It is designed to promote health and wellness. For those who come to relax and de-stress it will not take long with a few Thai messages.


Floating markets are wonderful to visit. This is an experience you will never forget. Boats float up and down small byways.

You tell the owner of the boat what you want and they will prepare it and take your money in a little bucket on a long stick. Your items will come back in the bucket or a bag on the stick.

Historical Landmarks: The Bridge on the River Kwai


Famous Bridge on the River Kwai. This bridge was made famous by a movie shot in the 50’s. It was bombed in World War II.

Elephant Feeding and Other Animal Interactions


A fun experience in Thailand is to feed the elephants bananas or cucumbers.

Traditional Thai Dance and Art

Peeling the fruit if not necessary and the elephants will eat it as fast and you can deliver it.


Beautiful dancer is part of the culture here. Students learn many of the dances in school.

Thai Cuisine: A Journey for the Senses


Thai dishes have their own flavor and taste. Visiting one of the many cooking schools is a special treat. I just hope that I can make the delicious dishes when I return home.


Fruit is often a work of art. Desserts after the meal can be any number of fresh fruits. From the first smile that you will get to the last delicious meal there are so many wonderful experiences awaiting the traveler who wants to have a great adventure.

One of my very good friends, Karen Allen, prepared me for this wonderful adventure. She told me that she had been here over 8 times. Sixty percent of the people who come here are coming back for a repeat visit. Yes, this is a country where I will return to experience more of “Amazing Thailand.”

Explore With Dian

Dian has traveled all over the world from
Greenland to Antarctica and all the way to China.
Read about her adventure!