There are times in my life when I feel like I have been dropped into paradise.  That is just what happened to me this week and it has become my opportunity to explore and discover a new part of the world.

In April, I was given an invitation to come to Thailand and learn more about all the amazing places to travel and visit.  So in June, I was off to the Thailand’s Travel Mart Plus 2011.   At the show a young lady, Saijai Samasri, came to me and told me of a special island just off the coast of Southern Thailand near Phuket. This place has always been on my list to visit.  Before I knew it I was on a plane landing in Phuket.  Most of you will remember the tragic tsunami that hit Phuket shores during the Christmas holiday in 2003.  All of the areas that were destroyed have been rebuilt and the island is only scared by the sad memories of that tragic week.

The Discovery of Coconut Island

Our driver drove us to an area where I caught a small boat to Coconut Island just 10 minute from the Island of Phuket.  This place has been turned into the most beautiful resort, which is called the Village Coconut Island, Thailand.  The project will be finished this September and there will be 180 villa and condos.


When the sun went down, I knew I had discovered one of the most beautiful places on the earth.

Embracing the Challenge of Thai Cuisine

sunsetFood is always a challenge when I come to Thailand.  It is so good and some of it has so many calories.  The best curries and soups are made with coconut milk, which is like having a bowl of cream soup.   I knew the gym was at the top of my list while staying here.  I reported there at 8 AM to begin my week of wonderful workouts.  This was my opportunity to get moving and work off some of the delicious food I have enjoyed while in Thailand.

After a stretching class, we were off to the beach to kayak to a neighboring island.   Then it was onto our bikes to ride and discover the different road that cover the island.

Exploring the Island: Rubber Trees and More

The first thing I saw was rubber trees.  The process of getting rubber was foreign to me.  I had heard of rubber trees but never thought that I would see one.  As we road our bikes, I learned that rubber is one of the main exports in Southern Thailand.

The rubber sap is a thick white liquid that comes out of the rubber trees. It reminded me of the maple sap that is collected from trees in the northeastern United States.  It was fun to see a lady out collecting the rubber sap.  Then Buntao, my trainer, took me to see the process that they go through to prepare the rubber for market.  Once it is collected it is placed in rectangular pans. Then it is run though a roller that flattens it into a sheet that can be exported.  He told me that each sheet is worth about $5 US.

Exploring the Resort’s Agricultural Wonders

Our next stop was to the nursery where fruits, herbs and vegetables are grown for the resort.  There were rows and rows of pineapples bushes. Each small bush had a very sweet pineapple growing on it.

Buntao told me there are many fruit such as bananas, mango, and jackfruit that are grown on the island.  One of my favorite fruits I always eat when I am in Asia is mangosteen.  The fruit is purple and the meat of the fruit that you would eat is about the size of a garlic clove and looks like one too.  It has such a special sweet taste.  It is called the Queen of Fruits in Asia.

5After our informative bike ride, we were off to play tennis in a beautiful court nestled in the jungle.  The time flew by and I hardly knew I had been working out all day.  As I sat back and reflected on my perfect day, I knew I had been in paradise.

Explore With Dian

Dian has traveled all over the world from
Greenland to Antarctica and all the way to China.
Read about her adventure!