Fourteen miles east of Salt Lake City, deep in the heart of the Wasatch Mountains is the mountain village of Brighton. In winter it is the home of the Brighton/Solitude Ski resort. In the summer it’s where you go to cool off from the summer heat in Salt Lake.
In the history of the church Brighton holds significant importance. In 1857, ten years after the pioneers came into the Salt Lake Valley, they went to Brighton to celebrate.
This week it was the stage for the best little 4th of July parade. All you have to do is be in line by 10 AM behind the police and the fire trucks at the Brighton Store and you will be a part of the parade.
It was a cool day in these snow packed mountains this year, but it was a day filled with family memories as it is mostly family that show up to ride in this special event.
Enjoy these photos taken Monday July 4th at the parade.
This is the beautiful snow capped Millicent Mountain. It is the backdrop for this little country parade.
When this young man came out and started to play his bag pipes, we know that parade was about to begin. With the flag on his back and the country tunes that came out of the bag pipes, everyone was ready for this special occasion.
The parade route goes around the Brighton circle which is one mile. It passes by this beautiful LDS chapel that was built in 1968.
The Brighton LDS Girls Camp celebrates it 90th birthday this years. This week campers came to celebrate the 90th birthday of the camp. On July 30 starting at 10 AM there will be an open house at the camp for anyone who would like to return and recall their special time there.
The open house begins on July 30 at 10 AM. You are welcome all day and can join in on the evening celebration program. Sunday from 10 to 4 the open house will continue. Come join in on the fun and renew memories with staff and campers.

This young parade participant has his own transportation and decoration.
With teeth in place this little girl is determined to ride the whole mile of the parade.
This was a sample of the smiles that were on everyone that came to see this little parade
Even Smokey the Bear showed up to teach people how to take care of the forest.
As the last float passed by, friend and family scattered though out the valley to celebrate our countries birthday. Happy birthday America!