Roughing It Easy with Dian Thomas

The Spectacle of the Days of ’47 Parade: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Utah’s Pioneer Celebration

2025-01-28T03:06:00+00:00January 27th, 2025|Homesteading and Heritage, LDS Church Experiences|

This is the week of the big Days of ‘47 celebrations in Utah. They are designed to celebrate the pioneers’ entering the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847. The highlight of the week is the parade that will roll down South Temple and then [...]

Inspiring Story of Amanda de Lange: Founder of Starfish Foster Home in Xi’an, China

2025-01-16T16:01:14+00:00January 16th, 2025|China, LDS Church Experiences|

Inspiring Story of Amanda de Lange: Founder of Starfish Foster Home in Xi'an, China In 2007 I was asked to start leading tours to China.  I had been there once in 1995 and found the country to be on the move and extremely interesting.  Never [...]

Exploring the Stunning Beauty of Temple Square’s Flowers During Conference Weekend

2025-01-16T15:57:14+00:00January 16th, 2025|Dian's Journey, LDS Church Experiences|

Those who live in Salt Lake City will know that the place to check out the most beautiful flowers is on Temple Square.   They seem to be especial amazing near conference weekend. Every year I look forward to walking Temple Square to see the colors, [...]

A Tribute to Jayne Malan: Lessons in Faith, Love, and Service

2025-01-14T21:22:15+00:00January 14th, 2025|LDS Church Experiences|

A Life of Love and Service: Remembering Jayne Malan From week to week I often wonder what should be the next article that I write.  Today (March 22, 2013) while attending a funeral of one of God’s elect daughters I knew what I was to [...]

LDS Travelers Can Now Connect with LDS Guides Around the World

2024-11-30T22:09:09+00:00December 28th, 2024|Career, LDS Church Experiences, Travel|

Discover LDS Tours with Local Guides Worldwide For more than six years, I traveled with BYU Education Weeks all over the United States and Canada. One of the nicest benefits of this was that we were met by our hosts and often had the most [...]

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