Roughing It Easy with Dian Thomas

Preparing for Winter: Storing Seasonal Harvest for Cozy, Homemade Meals

2025-01-28T03:06:00+00:00January 27th, 2025|Delicious Food, Food Preservation|

I do not have any pets since I travel so much, but out of my kitchen window I have a set of utility wires that the squirrels use to run from one yard to another.  It looks to me like they live somewhere in my [...]

How to Dehydrate Apples and Other Fruits: A Simple Guide for Healthy Snacks

2025-01-16T16:02:16+00:00January 16th, 2025|Delicious Food, Food Preservation, Healthy Eating Habits|

How to Dehydrate Apples and Other Fruits: A Simple Guide for Healthy Snacks Why Dehydrate Fruits? Drying is the oldest method of preserving food. Ancient peoples didn’t have refrigerators, freezers, tin cans or jars. They simply used the sun to dry fruits and meat for [...]

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