Cooking Made Simple and Fun
If you like to cook but hate to do the dishes, you’ll love these recipes. These are a few of my favorite backyard and camping recipes because they are so easy to do and turn out so great. Cook meat in an onion and create a dessert in a banana. All you need is a tossed salad and you have a great meal!
Meatloaf in an Onion
1 pound lean ground beef
1 egg
1/4 cup cracker crumbs
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
6 large onions, peeled and halved
6 pieces heavy-duty aluminum foil, 14 by 18 inches
In a medium bowl, mix ground beef, egg, cracker crumbs, tomato sauce, pepper, salt and dry mustard. Set aside.
Cut onion in half horizontally and remove center part of onion, leaving 3/4-inch shell. Divide meat mixture into 6 portions and roll into balls. Place in the centers of the onions and put onion halves back together.
Wrap each onion in foil using the drug-store-wrap method: place onion in an 18- by 12-inch piece of heavy-duty foil. Bring the sides together at the top. Roll down in small folds. Flatten out both ends and roll into small folds, sealing off the foil package. Cook on coals for 15 to 20 minutes per side, depending upon the size of the onion. This will serve about six.

Banana boats
4 bananas, in the peel
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
1/2 cup miniature marshmallows
heavy duty foil
Cut a slit along the length of each banana. Fill the slit with chocolate chips and marshmallows and wrap securely in heavy-duty foil. Heat for about five minutes over coals until chocolate and marshmallows melt. This is a fun substitute for S’mores if you’re looking for something different, and it serves four.