Dry ice lets this little Mayflower sail through the sea!
1 large banana squash
Puffpaints or permanent markers
3 (4″ x 3″) pieces of poster board
3 (5″ x 4″) pieces of poster board
1 (6″ x 5″) piece posterboard
2 (1/4″ x 11″) dowels
1 (1/4″ x 14″) dowel
1 (8-1/2″ x 11″) piece of construction paper Glue
Blue cellophane
Several small clear plastic cups
Dry ice
Carve the squash as in the illustration and remove the top pieces. Scoop out the seeds and membranes.
Use puff paints or permanent markers to draw the windows and details on the Mayflower.
To make the flags, punch holes in opposite sides of the cut poster board pieces and thread them on the dowels. Glue a small flag made from colored construction paper at the top of each dowel. Insert the dowels in the squash.
Fill the boat with raw-cut vegetables and serve with a dip.
To make your Mayflower appear to be sailing on the ocean, scrunch blue cellophane around the squash and hide small clear plastic cups in the folds of the cellophane, 4″-5″ apart. Place small chunks of dry ice in each cup. At serving time, pour hot water on the ice.