It’s time for another holiday but I have decided it is the grandmothers who look forward to this holiday the most. It is a special time for them to connect with the little young ones that bring such joy and happiness to their lives.
There are so many fun ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Here are just a few of the green food surprises you can create for this fun holiday.
Magic Green Milk
Pour 2 to 3 drops of green food coloring in clear milk glasses. When the children come to eat, pour milk in the glasses. The milk will swirl green-like magic!
Shamrock Pancakes
Add green food coloring to your pancake batter and cook them in the shape of a shamrock.
Green Potatoes
Blend green food coloring with the milk for mashed potatoes.
Shamrock Pizza
Shape a shamrock on a large pizza pan or baking sheet with three circular pizzas and one thin, rectangular one for the stem. Mix equal amounts of green food coloring and water and brush on outer edges of crust. Shake grated cheese with remaining food-coloring mixture in a closed plastic bag or container. Top with family favorites each leaf can be different and bake as usual.
Green Fruits and Veggies
There are lots of green fruits and vegetables you can add to your green dinner table. Look around the grocery store for green fruits, including green apples, kiwi, green grapes, honeydew melon, Bartlett pears, and limes. Green veggies are plentiful, too. You can pick from asparagus, avocadoes, green beans, lima beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, collard greens, cucumbers, kale, lettuce, okra, green olives, green onions, green peppers, parsley, peas, spinach, Swiss chard, and zucchini. You could also serve spinach dip or spinach pasta with green pesto. Open your mind and turn your imagination loose as you stroll the aisles in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day.