This country is facing a crisis that we have never faced before.  More people are overweight and experience health problems today than ever before.   While in Thailand a few weeks ago, I received word that my nephew, who was just 35-years-old, who has a darling family, passed away.   He, like so many of us, was challenged with weight and stress.   I have thought so much about him.   I have thought so often that if I could have just shared what I have learned that has helped me to turn my weight crisis around, would he still be here?

A very good friend told me today, Dian, just share your experience.

The most important thing that I decided to do was not to go on a diet, but look for a life style that I could live with and that would work for me.

The first step for me was to realize that if I did not do something and do it soon, the consequences were going to be very grave.  Hence for me came the moment that I said, “I am willing to put the time in and make the changes that I have to lose the weight.”  Yes I would not be perfect but I have been able to win at the losing game.

Food is fuel for my body and I had to learn to take in the right fuel if I expected results.  I started to eat three meals a day and three snacks a day.  Each of these meals and snacks needed to have a carbohydrate, a protein, and fat.

Food Guidelines for Success

Here are a few food guidelines that I follow:

  1. Eat complex carbohydrates:  Breads are made from whole wheat and whole grains and I do not eat more than 2 slices a day.   I stick with cereal from whole grains and follow the portion size on the box.  The ones that I eat most at breakfast are grape nuts and shredded wheat.   I eat ½ cup portions of whole wheat pasta (I often precook this and freeze in portion sizes in zip lock sandwich bags.)  It is easy just to open the freezer and take it out.  I do not eat much rice, but when I cook it at home, I eat a brown rice and eat ½ cup portions.
  2. Eat fruit and vegetables:  I work to have 8 servings a day.  To find out how much is a serving of anything-just Google it by size “serving size for green beans.”  This is fruit season, and it is easy to consume lots of fruit.  Yes it is good for you, but in large portions it will add calories to your diet.  For example, it is so easy for me to consume too many delicious cherries.
  3. Eat extra lean meats:  I stick with the following meats, extra lean beef, bison, skinless chicken, lean dark and white meat turkey, fish, and pork loin or pork chop.  I measure out a 4 oz portion and put it into a freezer bag and freeze.  I then take out 3 to 4 portion and put in a contain in the fridge and let thaw.
  4. Select good fat:  I use olive oil and canola oil or vegetable oil.  For butter I use Smart Blend with is like a margin and has a variety of healthy oils.  I am very careful not to eat too much.  I get fat in meats, and in dressing and from cheese.
  5. Use my own salad dressing:  I like Paul Newman lite Seasame Ginger.   It has great flavor for the 35 calories it has for 2 T.

Set Yourself Up for Success

I think another thing that is such a key is to remove or toss any foods that do not go into your program.   I am good about not going to the store to buy food that I should not have, but if they are in the house, I  have challenges.  Yes, I do know that there are others that live in you homes.   Work to get a compromise and at least have it out of sight.