Dutch Ovens: Great Way to Cook—Wonderful for Emergency Cooking

2025-01-16T15:59:31+00:00January 16th, 2025|Backyard, Camping, Delicious Food|

I had friends in my home from out of State. The first question they ask me is, “can we cook in a Dutch oven.” Their next question was, “Can I cook fish and make biscuits?” I knew that is was time to go over the [...]

Mastering Dutch Oven Cooking: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

2024-12-28T22:06:00+00:00December 28th, 2024|Camping, Dutch Oven, Homesteading and Heritage|

There is nothing better than something cooked in a Dutch oven.  Dutch ovens were the main pot used when the pioneers came across the plains. Today Utah has more Dutch ovens per capita that any other state.  There are even contests at fairs and trade [...]

Cooking Outdoors: Unique Recipes Using Natural Ingredients

2024-12-28T22:06:11+00:00December 28th, 2024|Camping, Delicious Food, Family Fun|

My father was a forest ranger and I grew up loving the mountains and the outdoors.  With all the water we have had this year in Utah, the mountains are really green.In the west we are blessed with an abundance of great placess to go [...]

Meatloaf in Onion and Banana Boat Easy to Make on Campout or Backyard

2023-03-28T17:47:21+00:00July 28th, 2020|Backyard, Camping, Delicious Food|

It's that time of year when meals outside taste a lot better than those prepared inside. For family it is great to at least get out in the backyard on family night and let all the family try their skills at cooking an outdoor meal. [...]

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