Cooking Outdoors: Unique Recipes Using Natural Ingredients

2024-12-28T22:06:11+00:00December 28th, 2024|Camping, Delicious Food, Family Fun|

My father was a forest ranger and I grew up loving the mountains and the outdoors.  With all the water we have had this year in Utah, the mountains are really green.In the west we are blessed with an abundance of great placess to go [...]

‘Apple Pie on a Stick’ is fun to make — and tasty to eat

2023-04-25T22:48:46+00:00February 14th, 2023|Camping, Desserts|

Stick cooking is probably the oldest form of cooking — at least it's the method depicted in most of the books and movies you read and see about prehistoric times. With just a few contemporary updates, stick cooking is still one of the most universal [...]


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