With Halloween just a few days away, here are some fun and easy ideas to make for your family or for a special party.  You will enjoy making them and delight your guests.


Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

  1. Ingredients and Materials
    • 2 cups of pumpkin seeds
    • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
    • 1 tablespoon of butter or margarine (melted)
    • 1 teaspoon salt
  2. Instructions
    • Rinse pumpkin seeds to remove pulp and strings.
    • Boil seeds in salted water for 10 minutes, then dry on paper towels.
    • Mix Worcestershire sauce, melted butter, and salt in a bowl.
    • Coat seeds with the mixture and spread them on a baking sheet.
    • Bake at 225°F for 1 to 2 hours, stirring occasionally until crispy.
  3. Serving Suggestions
    • Makes about 2 cups of roasted pumpkin seeds, perfect for snacking or party treats.


Paper Plate Skeleton

  1. Materials Needed
    • White paper plates
    • String or yarn
    • Paper punch
    • Black construction paper
    • Markers, paint, or scissors (for facial features)
  2. Instructions
    • Cut paper plates according to the skeleton pattern.
    • Punch holes at points of contact and connect parts with string.
    • Add details to the skeleton’s face, such as eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • For a double-sided skeleton, attach a second plate for the back of the head.
  3. Decorating Ideas
    • Hang the skeleton from doors or windows as a spooky decoration.
    • Use it as a fun and easy DIY decoration that can be reused for years.

Ghost Suckers for Trunk or Treat or Trick-or-Treat

  1. Materials Needed
    • Wrapped Tootsie Roll Pops (or other wrapped lollipops)
    • Tissue paper (2 sheets per sucker)
    • Black or orange yarn
    • Felt-tip pen (for drawing eyes)
  2. Instructions
    • Place the center of the wrapped sucker between two tissues.
    • Tie the tissues with black or orange yarn to form a bow.
    • Use a felt-tip pen to draw eyes on the tissue to create a ghost face.
  3. Usage Ideas
    • Perfect for giving out treats during trunk-or-treat or traditional trick-or-treating.
    • Adds a cute and personal touch to wrapped candy.

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