Roughing It Easy with Dian Thomas

Holiday Fun

Enjoy more of the simple fun in life with the people who matter the most. Holidays provide the perfect excuse to step out of the everyday hustle and bustle and create some enjoyment for yourself and your family friends.

Dian’s holiday ideas are simple enough so that children and adults can enjoy them together. Here ideas will help you celebrate, decorate and cook something new and festive every month of the year.

I hope you’ll have as much fun using these ideas as I’ve had creating them. Enjoy!

Christmas: A Time of Special Traditions from Around the World

2023-02-07T23:14:10+00:00November 25th, 2022|Around the World, Christmas, Holiday Fun, Travel|

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, although it has never been seriously claimed that December 25 was his true birthday. Before the forth century, it was celebrated in April or May, which more closely matches the scriptural account. As Christian festivals were substituted for [...]

Halloween Decorations Provide Seasonal Fun

2023-01-24T19:17:05+00:00October 25th, 2022|Halloween, Holiday Fun, Kids|

Today while driving down the street I noticed there were many homes with Halloween decorations in the yard. My first thought was, “WOW — what fun they had decoration and preparing for Halloween!” Decorations bring the spirit of fun, excitement and celebration to Halloween festivities. [...]

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