The Power of Walking for Weight Loss and Health

A year ago, I decided it was time to “step up” my exercise routine and add more walking to my schedule. A while back, I had heard that one should build up to walking 10,000 steps a day. I realized that having something that would count my steps and keep me on track-a pedometer-would be just the thing.

My Experience with the Pedometer

I went to and read review after review, looking for the pedometer that would help me to achieve my walking goals. It works like this: a pedometer senses your body movement and then counts your steps after you have set the length of your stride. For me it has been a great motivator. In fact, I was totally lost yesterday when the battery died in my pedometer! (I even considered buying a backup one.) I have walked more in the past year than any other time in my life and have benefited in now having excellent health.

Setting Walking Goals

Research and personal experience has shown that physical exercise is a major key to being healthy and walking is one of the best. As I was reading my pedometer handbook, I came across this quote, “For long term health and reduced chronic disease risk, we should do 10,000 steps a day (equal to 4 miles). For successful weight loss, this should be between 12,000 and 15,000 steps,” said David R. Bassett Jr., a professor in the Department of Health and Exercise Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

How to Start Walking for Fitness

Here are a few additional guidelines from the Surgeon General:

You don’t need special skills or training to be physically active. Walking is a great way to be active.

Physical activity should be initiated slowly, and the intensity should be increased gradually (e.g., start with a 10-minute walk three times a week and work your way up to 30 minutes of brisk walking or other form of moderate activity five times a week).

Activities can be split into several short periods (e.g., 10 minutes three times a day) instead of one longer period (e.g., 30 minutes once a day).

You should select activities that you enjoy and can fit into your daily life.

It may take time to incorporate more activity into your daily life. Don’t get discouraged if at first you miss a day or two; just keep trying and do your best to make it a regular part of your life. You will soon realize how good it feels to be physically active and fit.

Ask for support from friends and family; likewise, support the people in your life who are trying to be physically active.

Many forms of physical activity can be social, allowing you to converse and spend time with family or friends or to develop new relationships.

Make fitness a priority…COMMIT TO IT.

As many of you may know, I have been able to lose over 125 lbs and been able to keep it off. Deciding to have a healthy lifestyle has done more to change my life than anything else I could have done. If this is your goal, you can do it too.

Tip The Scales In Your Favor

Learn about the small steps that make a big difference in your health, weight, and happiness.