My Favorite Exercises to Stay Active
I have been doing exercise long enough I know it is something that I will need to do the rest of my life. Keeping it fresh and interesting is a key to motivation in this area.
For me I have selected four different exercises. First, and the one that I love to most is bike riding. Next would be walking then water aerobics and weights. I also know that lifting weights is a real key for woman as it strengthens the bones and as one gets older that is so important to keep you from getting osteoporosis.
I also know I need to always be on the lookout for variety to keep my enthusiasm up for exercise.
Today I am in St. George Utah. It has more bike baths and one can ever imagine. I brought a fold up bike in my car so I could go out and ride. This morning I was up early and off on my bike. WOW what a joy it is to be in a new place with new scenery and a new environment. I found my enthusiasm was renewed. After about 1 hour and half I came back to where I was stay and all I could think about was going out again.
The Importance of Variety in Exercise
I have decided that adding variety to exercise is such a key to keeping my enthusiasm up for that part of my life.
Here are some ideas that may help you along the path of exercise:
- Look for a social way to be active. That could be a group of people that you go walking with or and activity you prepare and train for. This spring I got a call from a friend who said “Let’s get ready and join that group the rides their bike across Iowa.” My answer was yes, so I now have a new goal to work toward and it is really keeping me riding.
- For weight lifting I decided to go to Curves to learn what they offer. I have learned some new routings and machines but the best part is that I have started stretching after every workout. I can see how important stretching is to the routine of exercise.
- Get a trainer for a few lessons. I will meet with a trainer this week to review what I am doing and give me some new insight on how I can improve.
- Meet people who are active and they will inspire you by the things that they do and enjoy. I am visiting a friend in St George and her husband shared with me that he had been working out for 30 years. I was so inspired by his story it gave me new insights and inspiration to keep going.
- The last one that I want to do is to set up some 15-minute routines that I can do. Often I wait for the hour of time and the day slips away and by the end of the day I am too tired to do anything.
I am and will always be on the outlook for a new twist and a new routine to keep me on the path of moving. I feel so much better now that I am active. It has opened up a new life that I love and enjoy. See you on the journey.