our Health: The Ultimate AssetYour Health: The Ultimate Asset
I have had an interesting experience the past couple months. Now that I have a new book entitled Tipping the Scales in Your Favor I have been visiting stores up and down the state of Utah answering questions and encourage people to take the path to health by the small decisions they make each day.
The thing that surprises me the most is all the misinformation that people have about what they should eat and what they should not. I find those that have been on diet after diets seem to have the most difficult time. One lady had been on low or no carbohydrates diet for so long she was nervous to eat any carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy eating program. Just as gas is fuel to the automobile, it takes a healthy eating program to give you the energy and health that you desire.
Losing weight is a series of right decision that you make several times a day. Yes, it is about your weight but more important it’s about your health. I have come to learn that our health is the most important asset that we have. If you do not have your health, it is a challenge every day and sometimes every minute.
The 12 Tips for Health and Balance
Here if a basic list that I follow that keeps my weight and health in line.
1. Eat eight fruits and vegetables daily.
2. Two sliced of whole grain bread per day.
3. Include two tablespoons of oil per day. (most of the time I get this from my meat and the dressing etc.)
4. Exercise five days of the week. I like to walk, bike, do water aerobics and work out in the weight room.
5. When I eat out I order a grilled chicken salad or fish with vegetables. I like to take my own low fat dressing with me.
6. Control stress, through planning and the ability to say “no”, “learn to say no, I will not be able to do that right now.”
7. Get a full night’s rest. Make time for yourself and put your health as a priority.
8. Drink eight cups of water per day.
9. Planning and preparation. Plan your meals; prep meats and vegetables ahead of time so it’s easy to cook a healthy meal. Pack a snack and water in your car so you’re not tempted to stop for fast food.
10. Portion control. By weighing and packaging foods ahead of time, you can set limits on it.
11. Accountability. Find someone you can check in with once a week. Identify your weight goal and the steps it will take to accomplish it.
12. Enjoy the journey and never, never give up.